Saturday, March 30, 2013


I swear, I'll be 85 yrs old one day & still not feel like a "grown-up". Anyone else struggle with that? Sometimes it can be a good thing- like when I jump on the trampoline with Morgan or share a zerbert (think Cosby show) with SJ. Then there are times when it leaves me feeling completely inadequate.

Would you believe that in 1988 I committed my heart & life to Christ- & this is the first Easter of my life that the magnitude of His sacrifice clicked for me? Sitting on a couch reading from a children's Bible, no less.

Reading the story of the crucifixion to Morgan, I suddenly felt a lump form in my throat... Followed by hot tears & the inability to continue. Bless her, she just stared at me. For a brief moment I wanted to step away & collect myself. Instead, I looked her in the eyes & said, "Morgy- this part of the story makes me so sad. It hurts my heart. And it hurt God's heart, too."

Friday morning something about this holiday changed for me. I still like bunnies & Easter eggs. I still enjoy getting together with family for a wonderful meal. But I will choose to maintain a focus on the only reason Easter is truly worth celebrating. I want to feel the deep hurt of Friday, the anticipation of Saturday, and the joy & victory of Sunday!

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